In this case it wasn’t my plan, but oh my, it was a great plan! And seeing it unfold was amazing. Not just WOW. It touched me. A sensation that something unique was happening, a wave of things that matter.
This was a week ago. TEDxWassenaar. A plan that took somewhat longer than anticipated due to COVID-19, but that became even better because of it. It was a SYMPHONY OF STORIES that was magic. FIND YOUR VOICE from many angles, all tied together in a few hours of talks and performances. Being a part of it was a great gift. And because the whole is better than the elements in itself (talk about SYNERGY) I would like to share the whole story to give you a chance to also experience the magic.
FIND YOUR VOICE started with Jitske Kramer sharing how important silence is: Silence, the forgotten human skill. ‘Silence is the place where your soul is being built’, she says. And wow, what a powerful message. In her talk she shows how people from different cultures embrace silence and what we can learn from them.
Then Erikjan Lantink continued sharing ‘How better starts with WHO’. Not, as Simon Sinek says “Start with why”. Erikjan makes the case why you should look inside to who you are, and what you find important.
Jacqui Brassey continues with a crystalclear and sciencebased view on managing stress: Zoning in and out of stress. She identifies five mental zones and talks about how to stay away from the terror zone, and make sure you take time for the recovery zone. Extremely practical and helpful in our hectic every day life.
After a short break the talks continued and Luk Dewulf took the stage. He is on a mission to ensure that the talent of every child is acknowledged. In his talk “The basic right of every child” he talks about the 39 different talents and how his mission has turned into an international movement. Wouldn’t you want the talents of your child to be seen?
Talking about talent, Niels van Buren continues to show how impactful it can be if you tune the workplace to suit the employee, instead of having employees ‘fit in’. In his company he employs people with autism. His approach empowers people to unleash their talent: “Unleashing talent at the workplace“. “Shouldn’t that be normal?”, he asks. But reality is, that the answer is no.
With Jean-Pierre Kahlman we stay in the workspace and how culture has a great influence on performance. As a former F16 pilot he shares how he experienced the value of ‘Just Culture’ and how important that is for ensuring safety. Healthcare could benefit significantly if Just Culture was embraced – “What is healthcare embraces Just Culture?” , and his touching examples make a solid case!
Then two more talks followed, one of them my own. About the importance of human connection in an increasingly digitized world. And how the current COVID-19 crisis gives us a unique opportunity to make a change. I introduce the concept of Homo Conexus in How to revalue Humanity.
With a bang Koos Wabeke took us to the finale with “What I learned from the Maori“. In his talk he shares how he was introduced to the Maori culture and was chosen to represent and share the values of this culture in our western world. He also talks about how he experienced unconditional trust.
But talk is just talk. And as Jitske said, ‘sound too often rules over silence’. During the programme performers showed a completely different take on FIND YOUR VOICE.
Dr Franken – with his medical equipment – showed us what the human voice looks like. Professional singers Angelina Marseille & Marianne Selleger gave a unique vocal blend of pop and opera music in their version of ‘Somewhere’. We were all blown away by B-art, the human beatboxer. He showed the incredible ability of our human voice. Merel Martensshowed us how to lead without words and made us all join in a singing experience.
Now back to this plan. The mastermind of the event had a vision. And she made it happen. Anneke Brouwer, through TEDxWassenaar gave a gift to the world. To help us FIND OUR VOICE. Thank you for making this happen. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.

Anneke Brouwer Systemic – Dialogic Speaking Coach | Executive Voice Expert | TedxInsead Coach | TEDxWassenaar Organiser
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