Great announcement! Thrilled! I received a license from to organize TEDxWassenaar! Create a stage for ‘Ideas worth spreading’ in addition to my work as a Public Speaking Coach & Executive Voice Expert. For great mind who have a life changing idea to share. A wonderful new adventure! Tonight the first meeting with my team of 5 driven volunteers who will help me to put down this great Event.
First time TEDxWassenaar in 2020. Stay tuned, keep you posted!
lifelonglearning growth mindset new ideasworthspreading TEDxevent TEDxWassenaar #2020 volunteers podium publicspeaking impact sprekerscoaching stemcoaching
Anneke Brouwer Public Speaking Coach | Executive Voice Expert | TedxInsead Coach
Praktijk voor Stemtraining en Sprekerscoaching van Executives